ACCO's History of Advocacy

In 2018, the American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO) identified something troubling: Despite cancer being the leading cause of death by disease in America’s children, only two states in the country were funding childhood cancer research. That same year, thanks to ACCO’s advocacy, Kentucky signed childhood cancer legislation into law, committing a substantial $5 million towards this cause. Ever since, ACCO has been asking one question across the nation: what about kids?

To date, seven states have answered.  With legislation passed in Kentucky, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Nebraska, Virginia, and New York, ACCO has secured an astounding $98.8 million for childhood cancer research. There is a crushing disparity in research and treatment innovation between adult cancers and childhood cancers, but state-level legislation can close this gap.

Presently, ACCO is engaged in five more states, working to codify state-based appropriations for childhood cancer research. This work includes the establishment of Pediatric Cancer Research Trust Funds, ensuring a competitive grant process for the distribution of funds.

About the Symposium

Agenda posted at the bottom of this page.

Healthcare professionals, legislators, and people who were personally touched by childhood cancer will all be under one roof at the What About Kids Research & Advocacy Symposium. The goal of the symposium is to present and share the latest research findings, identify new legislative opportunities to expand research funding, and facilitate communication and connection. This ambitious step towards healthcare equity for America’s children is possible thanks to the generous support of the Kentucky Pediatric Cancer Research Trust Fund. ACCO is deeply grateful.

This activity will provide AMA PRA Category 1 credits™ and continuing education through Norton Healthcare. Norton Healthcare adheres to the Kentucky Medical Association accreditation requirements, as well as the Standards for Integrity and Independence in accredited continuing education.

We firmly believe in equal access to information.  Registration is free.
Thanks to the generosity of the Kentucky Pediatric Cancer Research Trust Fund (KPCRTF), the $400 registration fee is waived for all participants.

Registration closes on September 30.
You will not be able to register after this date.

October 10-12, 2024 | The Brown Hotel

October 10: Arrival and check-in.
October 11: Full day conference, Networking Event in the evening.
October 12: Half day conference.
 Guests will stay at the Brown Hotel.  This is also where all symposium events will be held, with the exception of the Networking Event.

The Brown Hotel 335 W Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202

ACCO has reserved a room block at a discounted rate of $189 per night. Complimentary airport shuttle is offered by our hotel between the hours of 6:00 am - 11:00pm. ($40 round trip savings)

Click Here to Reserve Rooms at Discounted Rate

NOTICE: Reserving your room at the Brown Hotel does NOT register you for the symposium.  Please fill out the form below to register for the symposium.

Symposium Registration

Sponsor & Exhibit Opportunities

To learn more about the benefits of being a sponsor or exhibitor, refer to this packet:

WAK Conf Sponsorship Opportunities_small.pdf

Select Attendee Details


To learn more about the benefits of being a sponsor or exhibitor, refer to this packet:

WAK Conf Sponsorship Opportunities_small.pdf

Download the American Childhood Cancer Organization's W-9 form:

w9 form 2024_ACCO.pdf

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RegFox Event Registration Software